Speak Boldly: Conclusion

By Paul Varughese, Head Coach

Grace International Assembly of God Bible Quiz Ministries

Mineola, NY (NYC/LI Section).


He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ—with all boldness and without hindrance! ~ Acts 28:31


Praise the Lord!


I am extremely humbled and honored to have the privilege of writing to you for the finial devotional of the 2015-2016 TBQ/MSQ New York District Bible Quiz season.  The AG Bible Quiz Ministry began in 1961 with the Book of Acts.  For almost 55 years the Lord has empowered and equipped coaches, officials and quizzers to Speak Boldly through the knowledge of his word.  When I was first introduced to this ministry 16 years ago as a quizzer, I would have never dreamed that I’d have such an opportunity to reach out to the far corners of this state with a message based on the book of Acts.


As you’ve been studying all year, the book of Acts tells a story of faithfulness.  Acts tells us how God was faithful from the very beginning of the church to equip and empower leaders with boldness to spread an important message: through Christ you find LIFE — not just eternal life, not just a reason for living but also a relationship with God that helps you live it boldly!  Another thing that this book teaches us is that the church flourished through challenges and perseverance.  The greatest opportunities for Peter and Paul came amidst great challenges.


As a body of believers it’s important to keep in mind that the loudest voices are not always the ones that need to be heard.


When we tune-in to the voice of God, it may come like a quiet whisper that says, “I am with you, I am faithful, I know exactly how flawed you are and I love you unconditionally anyway.” The Holy Spirit and knowing God’s word gives us an immeasurable amount of strength to tune OUT the screams of this world, the voices that say things like “You’re not good enough, you’re alone, you’re broken.”  Speaking boldly does not always mean speaking loudly. Often it’s a still, small voice that cuts through the darkness.


If we consider carefully our own walk with Christ, many of us found our faith and/or our ministry calling because someone spoke boldly into our lives.  Perhaps you can remember someone who spoke boldly into your life and how that moment changed the course of your life forever.  For most people, it was a simple conversation or a quiet whisper that sparked their salvation.  Never underestimate the power of your words, both to build up and to destroy.


At the end of the Book of Acts we find Paul in custody, having to account for actions he didn’t commit. Even under false charges, he used his privilege as a Roman citizen to continue the Lord’s mission.  He used all circumstances, even while under guard, to proclaim the kingdom of God and teach about the Lord Jesus Christ—with all boldness and without hindrance! (Acts 28:31).  His example shows us how much dedication we must have to the mission and ministry to which Christ has called each of us.  Not just to speak boldly but to live boldly.


May the Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.