People involved with Bible Quiz gave short testimonies on what Bible Quiz has done in their life and the life of others around them:


“Memorizing God’s word was a lifesaver for me during an extended period of deep depression. Having His promises available instantly to combat the lies that plagued my mind brought me through some long dark nights.”

– Former Quizzer


“I had a quizzer that would stutter in life. He found that when he would quote scripture the stutter went away. He attributed Bible Quiz and memorizing scripture to adding to his confidence and eventually, the stutter went away and he’s now a preacher.”

– Current Coach


“My daughter had minor surgery but was still anxious about getting an IV put in. She began to quote scripture and it helped her overcome her fears. She was quoting while they put the IV in and she didn’t even know it was done.”

– Quiz Parent


“My daughter was sharing the gospel with a friend and relied heavily on scripture to know what to say. Also, knowing the verse that says it is the Holy Spirit speaking through you and not to worry about what to say helped her too.”

– Quiz Parent